Budgie News

Budgie Facts – 14 Amazing Facts

In this article, we bring you the top 14 amazing, interesting Budgie facts and we can say that you will be surprised and amazed by them.

We can all say that budgies are super popular pet birds and even more than 45% of families in the US have a couple of them as part of their family. Budgies are great pets because they bring you joy, they light up your home with their bright colors and cheerful chattering.

These colorful little guys are not only super cute and playful, they’re lots of fun and can brighten up any household with their charming voices and adorable antics. 

1. A third eyelid

Humans and most mammals have two lids that can be opened and closed from above downwards. What is really interesting, budgies have a third eyelid that is not usually visible.
Even they are not visible they are so important for keeping the eyes clear of dirt and debris. That third, inner lid is also called the nictitating membrane (1e) and it is located in the front portion of the bird´s eye. It opens and closes from the upper front section to the lower section.

2. Natural green colorway to escape from predators

The original budgie´s color is greeny-yellow and is most common among wild parakeets so that they can hide from predators in green foliage. Also, the second color was yellow which was bred from a genetic mutation.
What is really interesting is that the first blue budgie was seen in 1878. Change at just one spot on their DNA is enough to turn them blue.

3. Budgies heartbeat-500 times per minute

We were considered how fast does a budgie’s heartbeat and the answer is mindblowing. Our heart beats at 75 times per minute.

Birds generally have a faster metabolism and faster reactions, so it is normal to expect that their heartbeat is fast. But the fact that their heartbeats up to 500 timers per minute are unbelievable. It is extremely fast and cannot be monitored by listening in the normal way.

4. Budgies have monocular vision

Budgies can move each eye independently of the other and see out of each eye independently, which is called monocular vision.
Birds have some of the best eyesight in the animal kingdom. With their eyes placed on the side of their heads, they are better able to monitor movement from all angles, and they have close to a 360° view of their surroundings.

Parrots have two foveae per eye, which operate independently. Whit these Budgies can focus on more than one object at a time. The limited binocular field is a result of a lateral placement of Budgies’ eyes. This means that Budgies have poor depth perception.

5. Singing, talking, solving math, everything

While there is no guarantee that any given budgie will sing or talk, budgies are among the most vocal of all pet bird species, and most budgies can at least say a few words! Budgies have a greater vocabulary and a much clearer voice than many other parrots. Who could say that these small birds are good int maths?

These little birds have big enough brains to cope with learning basic sums and can count up to three. Also, one extra fact is that males speak better than females. It is better and easier to teach new tricks younger budgie than older. If you try to trick your Budgie by putting two treats in your hand in front of them and offering only one they will get pretty mad and ask you to give them the rest of the treats.

6. Budgies poop every 20 minutes

Budgies can poop every 20 minutes. Because of that people who don¨t have them as pets can understand why their cages get dirty quickly! This is because birds poop so frequently because they have a high metabolic rate and process food quickly. But also cleaning the cage is not much work, considering the extremely small size of their poops.
Budgies will always be your babies. They can get up to 15-20 years old but you are responsible for them all that time.

7. Hollow bones

The bones of budgies like from the most birds are hollow filled with air sacs. Our human bones are filled with a soft tissue called the marrow. Budgies’ bones are filled with air sacs to aid flight.
The airflow is one way, through tubes and chambers, rather than two ways, in and out of the lungs. And when a bird inhales, air actually leaves its lungs; fresh air enters the lungs as it exhales.

8. 3000 feathers across their whole body

Every bird’s feathers are unique and they represent a really elegant design of their beauty. Budgies have between 2000 to 3000 feathers. What you need to know is that healthy birds have brightly colored and smooth feathers. Poor feather condition is the result of poor hygiene and poor diet. They also serve to:

⦁ to camouflage
⦁ to show off secondary sex characteristics
⦁ to allow tail-fanning

9. Four toes – two pointing forward and two backward.

Birds spend their lives on their feet, they sleep on their feet. The only time they aren’t using their feet is when they are flying.
The arrangement of budgies toes has anatomically unique characteristics. Budgies have two toes in front and two toes in the back of the foot.
Here is another one fun fact about budgies Foot. Each toe in a Budgie’s foot has a different number of bones in it!

10. Female budgies gain weight during the breeding season

Female budgies gain weight during the breeding season and that extra weight comes from enhanced bone density caused by the retention of calcium. Calcium is very important because it supports breeding. This can make the female budgie gain around 20% of her body weight during this time!

Before the breeding season tonic seed to help them come into excellent breeding condition.

To keep your Budgie healthy during the breeding season you need to provide a lot of food, fruits, and vegetables.

11. Budgies are flock Parakeets – Budgie Fact

Budgie flocks in the wild range from only 3 birds to 100, but there can be even as thousands! Budgies in a large flock always keep eyes on the surrounding and they keep on the safety of each member of their flock. Budgies in the wild are all green and they can cover the whole sky during hot summer months in Central Australia. Imagine tweets of thousands of Budgies, covering the sky like a cloud.

They display a high-speed fluid motion like a shoal of fish in the sea. They have a sudden switch in a change of direction in flight, which is a defense mechanism from predators. Wild budgies differ from the pet birds, they weight 25 grams, a pet budgies weight about 35 to 40 grams, English Budgies weight 60 grams. Budgies in the wild spend entire life living in a flock.

12. Budgies can see over 150 images per second!

Budgies’ brain can process and register over 150 images per second, humans can register only 16. Budgies can’t see in the dark well, they are more afraid of noises and movement in the dark. So be careful not to scare them. Some owners use a night lamp to prevent their Budgie from experiencing night stress. I think that is not necessary, only in the first few minutes after covering their cage, so they can settle in for sleeping.

13. Budgies have tetrachromatic vision

Budgies have four color sensing cells in their eyes, we humans have only three. They can see ultraviolet (UV) spectrum, humans cannot. That means Budgies can see a lot of stuff that we humans can’t, in regards to color. Budgie uses that “special power” when mating and foraging. Fun fact bonus: Blue budgies are much less likely to find mates than the green Budgies, so that means you will breed more green or yellow Budgies.

Breeders found a solution to the problem by placing one pair of budgies in a cage, instead of allowing them to choose their own mates in a larger aviary. When you give Budgies choice they would always prefer to mate with green Budgies.

14. Budgie Fact: Budgie’s hearing ranges from 400-20,000 Hz

Human hearing ranges from 20-20,000 Hz, as we grow older we tend to lose the ability to hear sounds at the higher end of that range. Their hearing is better developed than the hearing of us humans. Budgies’ hearing sense is very accurate in the wild they can quickly distinguish certain signals, that can save them from predators.


Budgies are pets for everyone. For young, middle-aged and old people. They are small, pretty, cheerful, but they are also very intelligent and smart. There are many more interesting facts about budgies and we bring you a small, but the sweet amount of them. Taking care of them is the most important part of their development. Because of their possibilities, you can easily learn them to sing, talk, and many more.


Alen AxP is an experienced budgie owner who is passionate about sharing their knowledge and expertise on budgie care. Through their articles and resources, they provide valuable insights and practical tips on topics such as diet, housing, and health, to help other budgie owners create a happy and thriving environment for their feathered friends.

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