You need time for your budgie to get comfortable around you and your room. Just time and patience.
Archives: Answers
scared budgie.
My budgies wings aren’t growing back after I bought it from the pet store 5 months ago
Budgie feathers grow all the time. They need time, after some time your Budgie wings may not be strong enough for flying, because of a long period of not flying.
Can budgies breed with other birds?
No, you can not breed cockatiel and budgie.
I know my questions are getting annoying. But I am planning on getting a new bird.
You need to keep your room safe for Budgie! Close any openings, doors, windows… If you live in cold regions, your budgie can’t survive more than few hours, he is a prey bird. Please take care of your Birds!
my budgies foot started bleeding so hard!!
You need to separate aggressive Budgies! I am not an avian veterinarian, but I saved my Budgie when a female attacked him. He was bleeding a lot. Watch here I hope it may help you. Good luck
scared budgie.
I can kind of relate but my budgie instead of scared it is upset for no reason and bites me each time I put my finger close. Birds are confusing pets. Like my budgie tests me. Though I rehomed it. I think a good idea is to pet it while feeding it millet since it is distracted.