Breeding Behaviour

  1. Laying Continuation: If the female’s abdomen looks flatter and she hasn’t laid the second egg, she may still lay more eggs. Ensure she’s comfortable and monitor her closely for any signs of egg binding or distress.
  2. Breeding Frequency: While it’s generally recommended to give birds a break between breeding cycles, if the female is active and healthy, it can be okay for her to breed again. Ensure she has adequate nutrition and a stress-free environment to support her health and the breeding process.
    Be aware, it is recommended to female raise chicks only once per year.

Is a Cockatail same as a budgie?

Taming a cockatiel requires patience and gentle handling:

  1. Give Space: Allow your cockatiel to acclimate to its new environment for a few days without handling.
  2. Slow Approach: Gradually approach the cage and talk softly to build trust.
  3. Hand Feeding: Offer treats through the cage bars to associate your presence with positive experiences.
  4. Short Sessions: Start with short taming sessions, gently placing your hand inside the cage without forcing interaction.
    I made a lot of taming videos, should check them out

Tail bobbing

Respiratory symptoms in budgies can be serious, and it’s crucial to consult with a vet for proper diagnosis and treatment. Home care options are limited, and over-the-counter medications may not be suitable without professional guidance. Encourage your dad to prioritize the bird’s health and seek the advice of a vet as soon as possible.

Is nightingale and budgie care same?

It’s generally not recommended to house budgies and nightingales together in the same cage. Different bird species have different care requirements, and they may not get along well. Keep them in separate cages to ensure their safety and well-being.

Budgies and nightingales have distinct needs. Research and provide appropriate diets, cage setups, and social interactions for each species. If you have questions or concerns about their care, consult with a vet experienced in avian care or seek advice from reputable bird care resources.