How to Treat a Sick Budgie at Home?

You know very well what it feels like to be sick. We have all felt weakness and helplessness caused by illness at least once in our lives. You know that you need help in those moments and that it is easier for you if someone you love is close to you.

So it is with budgies. These are small birds that if they are sick require special care and attention. Therefore, if you have them as pets, you need to be effective in treating the disease, so they can recover and feel better as soon as possible.

It is not difficult to take care of birds even when they are sick, it only takes a little more effort and will.

Symptoms of a sick Budgie, Is my bird sick or tired?

People often wonder if their bird is sick or just tired, but thanks to the previously studied symptoms, we can teach you how to notice that your bird is sick, not tired.

If your bird’s feathers look ratty it may be a sign that your bird is sick, however in addition there will be several accompanying symptoms. These are the following symptoms:

How to Treat a Sick Budgie at Home? These are small birds that if they are sick require special care and attention.

How to treat my sick budgie at home?

Here are some key tips to help you take care of your sick pets, little sweet budgies.

First of all, you should keep your bird comfortable. The space where your bird is located must be suitable for their stay, especially if they are sick, then the required temperature, clean air, clean cage, adequate nutrition, and preparations to help them feel better and recover soon.

Temperature is very important because if it is too low it will weaken your bird and reduce all its vital functions. If that happens, unfortunately, your bird could die. It is the same with too high a temperature, it can help the bird to be active and can put it to sleep and prevent it from recovering. The ideal room temperature should be around 90 F or 32 °C. If you reach this ideal temperature it will keep your bird warm and help it get over the cold symptoms.

If your bird is constantly raising its wings, then it must be cold. This simply means that the bird is trying to take in warm air and warm up. What you could do is place a heater on the very bottom of the cage, put a hot bottle in or near the cage, or better yet, put a heat lamp in the cage. To know that the temperature of the cage has remained constant and moderate, check it every 3 hours with a thermometer or place one on the cage and read the temperature.

The only time you should not heat your bird is if it has a fever. An overheated bird that you warm up, even more, could not be better. A green bulb with 40 to 60 Watt works the best.

Also, the amount of light that falls on a birdcage can have a big impact on your bird. This is why it may be best to use diffuse sunlight, as direct exposure to sunlight can be too intense. Don’t even accidentally move the bird’s cage to achieve that effect.
What does diffused light mean in general? This means that it must bounce off an object and then fall directly on the birdcage. This means that it is the same type of sunlight, but with a slightly lower intensity than direct sunlight.

How can you make diffused light? Place the curtain on the window, which is made of the semi-transparent material, such as thin cotton or silk.

In addition, make sure that your bird has a shade that it will be able to enter if it feels overheated. Vitamin D that we get from sunlight can do a lot to help your bird recover.

If you have reached the ideal temperature and amount of light for your bird, the air needs to be moist in addition to the heat. If you have reached the ideal temperature and amount of light for your bird, the air needs to be moist in addition to the heat. You will achieve this by adding a humidifier to the room. If your budgie is suffering from respiratory disease, she needs moist air, which will of course make it easier for her to breathe. Place the humidifier on or near the cage and keep it on for 24 hours. The humidifier is ideally set at 55 percent humidity. This will give enough moisture to the surrounding space, and will not encourage the growth of fungi in or around the cage.

Respiratory disease in Budgies

If your bird has a respiratory disease you can check by listening to how it breathes, if breathing is rough or intermittent then it certainly suffers from respiratory disease, also if the beak is kept constantly open or has a discharge leaking from the nose.
Move the perch to a very low place or remove it completely so that your bird does not get tired unnecessarily and lose the extra energy that, unfortunately, needs to heal. Also, stress, if it falls and gets hurt, is not good for your budgie. If you only intend to move the perch, let it be 1 to 2 inches from the ground of the cage or some 2.5 to 5 cm. If a bird falls from a perch at such a low altitude it means that your bird is very sick and needs urgent veterinary help.

How to Treat a Sick Budgie at Home? These are small birds that if they are sick require special care and attention.
Stress is not good for your budgie

Fresh Food and water are very important

One of the very important things is of course food and water. You need to place the bowl of food and water very close to your budgie. Since the budgie is sick, he cannot spend his energy on going for food and drink to some distant place. Move food and drink to your budgie’s favorite place so he can eat and rest and recover at the same time. It is necessary to feed budgies every day with fresh fruits and vegetables, but also to change those foods every day. Food should not stay in the cage long enough to attract flies or mold. Try to give as little food as possible but as often as possible.

If your bird is dehydrated you may notice this if skin folds have appeared around the eyes.

Constantly change food and drink to ensure that the bird is not exposed to other microorganisms that could further affect the course of the disease. One of the most common causes of disease in budgies is poor food that has been previously contaminated due to poor hygiene. So look for cereal blends that do not contain preservatives and artificial colors.

One of the most common causes of disease in budgies is poor food

Of course in addition to food, the place where your budgie lives need to be clean. Constantly clean the bottom of the cage, food, and drink container, and remove the seeds that your bird dropped on the bottom of the cage.

The cleanser should not contain harmful chemicals that can negatively affect your budgie. It needs to be safe for birds, but to remove the majority of microbes to the same extent. Bird cleaners are available at most five shops.

As with humans, if you clean your home, you reduce the number of bacteria in it and thus prevent the possibility of getting sick. So it is with birds, provide them with clean space that will prevent the bird from getting sick due to poor hygienic conditions.
Reduce the amount of stress that could overwhelm your bird. Do this by not constantly touching the bird and making noise around it. Try to create a soothing environment so your bird can rest and sleep.

How to Treat a Sick Budgie at Home? These are small birds that if they are sick require special care and attention.
Constantly change food and water

What does my budgie do if it is very sick?

If you notice that your bird is very sick, has difficulty moving, and is very weak and slow, take it to the vet. Don’t take any risks! Take the bird to a veterinarian if: it is poorly fed and hydrated if it does not move or is very poorly active if it keeps its feathers puffed up if the feces is too liquid if it is constantly falling and if it is breathing very hard.

When your budgie receives the necessary medications, then you must give them according to the prescribed instructions as many times as necessary. Most often, the medicine is mixed with either the food or water your bird uses. Or you will inject the medicine directly into the beak of your budgie. Give the bird as much medicine as your veterinarian has prescribed, and don’t stop therapy if your bird gets better sooner without consulting a veterinarian.

If you follow the given instructions, your bird will certainly be better. Animals are like humans, they need attention and care to be happy, and healthy. Special care when they are sick is even more necessary. So nurture your budgies and they will be happy along with you.


Alen AxP is an experienced budgie owner who is passionate about sharing their knowledge and expertise on budgie care. Through their articles and resources, they provide valuable insights and practical tips on topics such as diet, housing, and health, to help other budgie owners create a happy and thriving environment for their feathered friends.

6 thoughts on “How to Treat a Sick Budgie at Home?

  1. Pingback: Antibiotics For Budgies | Natural Antibiotic for Birds
  2. Hello, I have a female budgie who has laid an egg, but only one, and it has been 4 days, so im assuming it is only one, and she has a mate and has laid eggs before, and she is 3 years old. is this normal? Thank you

  3. Hello, I have a female budgie who has laid an egg, but only one, and it has been 4 days, so im assuming it is only one, and she has a mate and has laid eggs before, and she is 3 years old. is this normal? Thank you

  4. My bird is sick and my mom will not let me to go to the vet and my dad is not comming with me so what can i do please tell i love my budgie and its female

  5. Pingback: Rescuing Budgies in the Aftermath of the Turkey Earthquake
  6. My budgei need help asap. But there is no vet near me he is getting worse he open his beak
    And keeps streching it it looks like he is having problem in swallowing food i dont know what to do i give a home made electrolyte solution honey salt baking soda

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