Archives: Blog
Budgie Safety First: How to Let Your Budgerigar Out of the Cage
A cage is to a bird, like a house is to a human; it is imperative for a Budgie safety. And when we are talking about the most famous pet bird in the world who happens to be quite small and sensitive,...
Building Budgie’s trust takes a lot of your time and a considerable amount of emotions go into it. Striking That Chord: When we bring the little budgie home, we have all kinds of hopes to...
Let's talk about common Foods You Shouldn't Give to Your Pet Parakeet because they are toxic. Wild birds feed in flocks of hundreds to even thousands in the wild because they are social eaters....
Kids and pets [ budgie ] are a great responsibility for every household. Whether it is a vacation, or a long business trip, leaving budgie alone at home is the hardest decision. Where we can always...
Budgies kill other Budgie is not a common act to witness and there are only very limited instances where this might be a possibility. An extremely social bird, Budgies are naturally inclined to...
All living beings are different and so are their preferences. Humans love socializing. Animals may or may not. Look at lions; he lives and rules alone but animals like sheep love their flock. And...