Budgie News

10 Weird Budgies Facts

Some weird but very interesting Budgies facts. Budgies can turn their heads up to 180 degrees and they have Monocular Vision.

They can sleep upside down

Did you know that this is a sign that your budgies are in good health?

Sleeping upside down is a natural behavior for birds and should not be regarded as abnormal. The fact that your budgie can sleep upside down indicates that he is at ease, safe, and content in your home. This indicates that you are doing everything correctly.

So, if you notice your budgie sleeping upside down, that’s a good sign. If your budgie is not sleeping upside down at all, that might be a cause for worry. Your budgie maybe feels unsafe in your house. To learn how to make your budgie safe and happy, check out our previous post about signs of lonely budgies and maybe consider getting another budgie.

They enjoy playing while hanging upside down in addition to sleeping.

Sleeping upside down reminds them of their natural environment in the wild. This is how they used to sleep in the woods in secret places.

If you think that your pet spends too much time upside down, take into account whether they are acting strangely or showing any symptoms of a health issue. If everything appears to be in order, you could bring it up at your pet’s subsequent checkup. However, if there are any signs that something might be wrong, make an appointment with your vet to rule out any potential health issues.

They enjoy playing while hanging upside down (Source: reddit)

They can see ultraviolet light in the dark

Isn’t it incredible that budgies can detect ultraviolet light even in the dark?

Budgies’ eyes contain four types of color-sensing cells that allow them to see UV light. Humans only have three sensory cells, so we can’t see the true colors of some budgies. Some budgies, such as albino and lutino budgies, even glow in the dark.

The human retina contains three types of cone cells (color vision receptors): red, green, and blue. Birds have one additional cell that is UV sensitive.

Another distinction is that each cone cell in birds contains a tiny drop of colored oil, which human cells do not. The oil drop functions much like a filter on a camera lens. The result is that birds not only see UV light, but they are also much better than humans at detecting differences between two similar colors.

The most interesting fact is that budgies use their UV vision to select mates. Usually, they prefer mates with brighter colors. The cheeks and crowns of budgies feature feathers that reflect UV light and are prominent during courtship displays.

Budgie parents usually rely on their UV vision to find food because many insects have coatings that reflect UV light. This makes it easier for them to feed their babies in the wild.

As you can see, UV vision is extremely important for their survival because it makes their lives easier. Imagine what would humans do if we had this vision!

Budgies under UV Light

A budgie’s heart beats up to 500 times per minute, while a human heart beats about 75 times per minute.

Would you believe us if we said their heart rate is so fast it can’t be monitored normally?

In every way, budgies are faster than humans. Their metabolism is faster, as are their reactions and heart rate. During exercise, their heart rate can rise to 1000 beats per minute.

Because of their very effective cardiovascular systems, birds are able to fulfill the high metabolic demands of flying. In addition to providing oxygen to body cells and removing metabolic waste, the cardiovascular system is crucial in regulating a bird’s body temperature.

Bird hearts beat at somewhat lower rates than mammals of the same size but pump more blood per beat.

Similar to mammals, birds have a 4-chambered heart with two ventricles and two atria, which completely separate oxygenated and deoxygenated blood. While the left ventricle circulates blood throughout the body, the right ventricle delivers blood to the lungs.

Bird hearts beat at somewhat lower rates than mammals

You know what is weird, poop, they can poop every 15 minutes. Budgie birds do not have a bladder.

But how frequently do budgies poop? At least 40 to 50 times a day, or every 12 to 15 minutes, budgies poop. They can poop even when they are asleep.

This must come as a surprise to you! The smaller the bird, the more poop it produces.
Budgie has the ability to poop every 15 minutes. This is not caused for concern, as we will explain.

This is because of their fast metabolism and food processing. Birds need to carry as little weight as possible in order to fly efficiently and quickly, so they evacuate their cloaca frequently. Their diet influences the frequency of pooping. When they eat more, they poop more.

If you have problems because your budgie poops everywhere and all the time, and you don’t know what to do, don’t worry. Check out our previous post about how to stop your budgie from pooping everywhere.

Budgie has the ability to poop every 15 minutes.

Budgies can turn their heads up to 180 degrees.

Budgies have the ability to rotate their heads 180 degrees because they have more vertebrae in their neck. This allows them to look in all directions in the wild and detect birds of prey early.

When a budgie goes to sleep, it will rotate its head 180 degrees. It puffs itself up and then hides its head under one of its wings. Budgies have an upper, lower, and inner lid to protect the bird’s eye.

Budgies Can Move Each Eye Independently Of The Other And See Out Of Each Eye Independently. This Is Called Monocular Vision.

Birds have the biggest eyes of any animal in proportion to their size. A bird’s head is largely occupied by its eyes. And their ability to see is improved by having larger eyes. One explanation is that larger eyes may admit more light than smaller ones. Additionally, more light-sensitive cells can fit into a larger eye.

Birds with eyes on the sides of their heads, such as parrots and pigeons, have a much larger field of vision, measuring around 300 degrees. Surprisingly, this means they can see in front of them as well as a long way to the side.

Monocular vision means that each eye is focused on a different object at any given time, which is normal in parrots and pigeons. Having different types of vision aids different types of birds in their survival in the wild.

Binocular vision, on the other hand, means that both eyes focus on the same object at the same time, and eye movement is coordinated – this is the type of vision that predatory birds like owls rely on the most.

Having eyes on the sides of their heads is a huge advantage for parrots and pigeons. With a wider field of vision and only a small blind spot behind them, these birds can see where they’re going while also keeping an eye out for predators who might try to sneak up on them.

The clear cornea of a bird’s eye allows light to penetrate before passing through the lens. Both of these objects have a convex, curved shape that aids in concentrating light waves. The cornea is largely responsible for the eye’s resolving ability. In birds, the lens is surrounded by one tiny group of muscles and the cornea by another. These minuscule muscles independently alter the shape of the cornea and lens to achieve focus.

On the other hand, the shape of a human’s cornea cannot be altered. We just use the lens to change our focus.

Having eyes on the sides of their heads is a huge advantage for parrots and pigeons.

Budgies’ common cause of sudden death without any reason is night fright.

Diseases, accidental poisonings, improper diets, heat exposure, and night fright are all possible causes of sudden death in parakeets.

Night frights are very common causes of death. Some budgies are more sensible to night frights so you can never be sure what can happen.
Your budgie is usually calm and relaxed at night when its room is dark and silent. If there is any noise during this time of night in the dark chamber, the budgie may become alarmed. This might escalate.

The natural response of the budgie to this disruption is to fly or climb higher in order to defend itself. When they are in a cage, this is not possible, therefore the budgie thrashes around and bumps into the cage ceiling and injures itself. The budgie may instantly die as a result of the injuries during this frenzy.

What you can do is try to secure a peaceful place for your budgie to live in. If you have other pets such as cats and dogs, do not let them enter the room where your budgie is. Try to keep them separated at least during the night. Otherwise, your budgies can get used to other pets and there will be no problems.

Besides, try to spend as much time as you can with your budgie. This will make them feel both happier and more secure.

The shells of the egg of budgie birds use to cover with pores that allow oxygen and carbon dioxide to enter inside the eggs.

Every living thing needs oxygen to survive, thus the chick must find a way to breathe.

Eggs from reptiles and birds have tough shells. Two membranes can be seen directly beneath the shell. A tiny oxygen-filled air cell, sometimes known as an air sack, is located between the membranes. The animal utilizes oxygen as it grows and must replenish it as well as release carbon dioxide.

Budgie eggs contain tiny little holes, called pores. Directly under the chicken egg’s shell are two membranes. When the eggs are laid by the mother, they are warmer than the air, and as they cool the material inside the egg shrinks a little bit.

This shrinkage is what pulls the two membranes apart, leaving behind the small air sack that is filled with oxygen. As the developing chick grows it uses the oxygen from the air sack and replaces it with carbon dioxide. The tiny pores in the shell allow the carbon dioxide to escape and fresh air to get in. The budgie egg has more than 7,000 pores in its shell to allow this to happen!

Budgie eggs contain tiny little holes, called pores.

A budgie can only afford to lose 11 to 12 drops of blood.

The avian circulatory system can quickly adapt blood flow, cardiac output, and heart rate to changes in activity levels (such as resting vs. flying) (by vasoconstriction and vasodilation of vessels).

Their blood consists of:

  • Plasma
  • Proteins
  • Red cells

Plasma consists of water, proteins, and glucose. Red blood cells have a lifespan of 28-45 days and are responsible for transporting blood throughout the body.

Budgies are small and only between -12 droplets of blood can be lost before they die from blood loss.
Birds typically have body temperatures between 41.2°C and 41.4°C. The amount of heat loss increases with blood flow. So, plasma and red blood cells secure constant body temperature.

If you notice your budgie has injuries and starts bleeding, make sure to take him to the vet as soon as possible.


Alen AxP is an experienced budgie owner who is passionate about sharing their knowledge and expertise on budgie care. Through their articles and resources, they provide valuable insights and practical tips on topics such as diet, housing, and health, to help other budgie owners create a happy and thriving environment for their feathered friends.

View Comments

  • Hey, this is venkatesh from India.

    I was surprised with the facts you produced about budgies... That's a great info.

    I have a pair of budgies which I baught 3 months back and have laid eggs, one of the egg is hatched. Now, my questions are.

    1.) do I need to surely handfeed the baby else the mother will take care of it till it grow and fly. Coz, the mother is taking care of the baby very well as of now.

    2.) It have laid 6 eggs... What can be the minimum chances for the number of eggs to be laid

    Could you clarify this for me.

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