what will i expect

Budgie birds are social birds they need companions and they live in a flock. So you will need to provide everything needed to feel safe and happy. The first week you need to leave it alone in a room where you spend most of the time to get used to the new environment. You can watch the video Beginner’s Guide to pet Budgie here. Good luck

Budgie trust issues due to past experiences?

Yes! You have to be very patient. Some Budgies never get tamed, unfortunately. Taming a Budgie bird or any kind of pet really depends on your patients and their will to be tamed. Some pets really don’t want to be tamed and have some kind of trauma from the past. For those kinds of pets, you need a lot, a lot of time to tame and gain their trust. There is an article about taming a bird here or even a Youtube playlist of videos on how to tame a budgie bird here.

My budgies wont stop laying eggs and i have to many birds what should I do?

Hello, first, you have to remove the nest box or anything that associate with a nest box if you want Budgies to stop laying eggs. There is an article about excessive egg-laying. Everyday place some vegetables like lettuce near their food dishes they will try to nibble after a few days. They are curious birds 🙂 Good luck