That may be normal for Budgies. If that continues after a week you should get your Budgie to the vet. Also, provide your budgies with liquid vitamins, vegetables, and fruits. 🧡
Archives: Answers
New budgie
Baby live with parents?
Yes, they can live all together. But most important is to provide a large enough cage for all of them. In a small space, they can fight, feel uncomfortable and sad.
pineapple lost my trust
Hi, I made so many videos on taming Budgies you can check it out here You should tame your second Budgie. Make sure to spend so much time as before with your Budgie. Best tip, hand-feed both of your Budgies. Good luck
i am worried about cookie
Hi, Do not worry he is much, much better now. Right now he is singing happily before getting tonight’s sleep 😍🥰 vitamins and vegetables helped to gain his straightness during molt. You can watch it here
male cere turning brown
Hello, Changing male Budgie to brown cere may be of vitamin deficiency or hormonal imbalance. For the best care of your pet, it is best to consult your veterinarian to be safe. good luck 🧡
Hello, I am so sorry for that, but you will need to talk to your doctor or vetenarian. Take care and good luck! 🧡