Category: Budgie Blog
Does Budgie Get Attached To Their Owners? Hand taming a Pet that HATES YOU!
Budgies are social birds and get easily attached to their owners. They adopt many ways to show their affection and love. Learn how to tame your pet bird. Budgie is a smart parrot who can visualize...
Some parrots and birds can be bought from a pet store and they can give you all love. A healthy pet together with a happy pet owner is a great combination. Thinking of getting yourself a pet?...
Proper budgie accessories are required to keep your pet healthy and strong. Birds are among the most loveable pets while they are fascinating and beautiful creatures as well. Birds are loved by...
Best foraging toys for Budgies from Amazon to keep them happy
Birds are a blessing for us. And if you want them as a pet in your house, you have to provide the best-foraging toys to keep them interested and active. Naturally, birds love to chew and destroy...
Budgie trafficking or any pet trade is an awful business, not looking for benefits of health and happiness of pets, but only for making money out of these little poor souls. Gone are the days when...
Budgie Feathers is what we have to deal with on a daily basis. It’s all about if your bird is infected with the bacteria and if you’re sensitive to the allergen like bird feathers dust. Let's...