Budgie Care - Parakeet Care


Can budgies eat or what they can not, even deadly? It is better to be safe than sorry. Some plants are beneficial as a whole while others have parts that are toxic.

Budgies, also called parakeets, are popular pet birds. They have the ability to learn words, phrases, and whistles. Who wouldn’t love to keep them at home? Keeping and caring for them call for proper feeding. A closer look at wild budgies’ feeding habits can be of help. The wild ones, their native habitat being Australia feed on grass, fresh greens, berries, and seeds. Incorporating some of these in your budgies’ diet can provide additional nutritional value.

Therefore, knowledge of appropriate food is needed. A healthy and safe budgie equals a happy pet owner. The most important question is what can you feed them? In this article, we will discuss the kind of fruits, seeds, and leaves that can be eaten by the birds and what is best avoided. Whether you breed them, rare them as pets, or just interested in them, read through to find out what you can apply.

Can budgies eat loquat?

This small, round fruit which grows in clusters is highly nutritious. It is safe to be eaten by budgies. However, do not feed them the pit of this fruit. Whenever you want to add some loquat to the diet, remove the pit and leave the rest to be fed on.

Ripe single seeded loquats

Can budgies eat mango skin?

When it comes to mangoes, budgies can freely eat the fruit. How about the skin? Most people often remove the skin which apparently is rich in nutrients such as vitamin C and E, dietary fiber, and polyphenols. As much as the peels are nutritious, care must be taken when feeding them to the birds. This is because they may contain harmful pesticide residue which may have adverse health effects on the pets. These disadvantages make some not to present the mango skins.

Mango fruit

Can budgies eat curry leaves?

Budgies can freely feed on these leaves. Many have been spotted eating them with no harm experienced. Some budgie owners call them their pets’ delicacies. Do not be scared to try them with yours and see the outcome. If the results are desirable, you are good to go.

Curry tree

Can budgies eat biscuits?

You might be snacking on your biscuits near your pet and be tempted to share. But are they safe? Biscuits contain artificial additives which could be sweeteners, flavors, colors, and preservatives. When consumed, they may cause build-up in the liver, kidneys, and can cause death. You wouldn’t want that to happen, would you? Therefore, never feed biscuits to your budgies. Resist the temptation for their health and safety.

Can budgies eat eggplant?

Yes, they can feed on them. However, avoid the leaves or any other part of the plant as they are toxic. They can cause kidney problems. If you are wondering what to do after peeling the plant, worry no more. You can serve in slices, chunks, or halves. Importantly, avoid over-ripe fruit.

Solanum melongena fruit in plant.

Can budgies eat strawberry leaves?

Strawberries are edible but what about their leaves? Strawberry leaves can be fed to budgies. Ensure you wash them properly before serving. Interestingly, some budgies enjoy only the strawberry fruit while others enjoy the leaves too. Be keen on what your budgie loves and serve that.

Can budgies eat spring onion?

A simple answer to this question is no. Why? Spring onion contains disulfides and thiosulphates which can be toxic. It contains compounds that can make red blood cells fragile and eventually burst. Other effects could be diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pains, and discolored urine. It only requires a small amount of this onion for the effects to be severe. Therefore, avoid any spring onion in your pets’ diet, whether cooked or raw. After all, you would not want to be around a vomiting budgie, would you?

A bundle of “red scallions”

Can budgies eat raw pumpkin?

It is a good idea to incorporate some raw pumpkins in the budgies’ diet since they are safe. You can grate them finely or serve in chunks. Removing the seeds could also help. Do not throw them, instead, make some seed sprouts for extra nutritional value.

How can you achieve this? Thoroughly rinse the seeds to remove dirt and residue. These can spoil the mixture. Soak them in water, keep them moist, and leave them to sprout. After this, feed them to the budgies. If they love them, do the same frequency for other edible seeds to see their reaction.

Cross section of a pumpkin

Can budgies eat dandelion leaves?

Yes, they can. While these might be considered as weeds, they could be a delicacy for budgies. They are mostly preferred when still young and fresh. They clean blood, stimulate glands, and help solve kidney problems. It could be a challenge feeding them to the pets. You can give them a little at a time during the initial stages.

The milky juice contained in the leaves may lead to diarrhea at first. Do not be worried, however, since this will stop after a while. With time your pet will get used to them and may grow to love them. If they enjoy them and they are this beneficial, why not add more to their diet?

Leaf resemblance to lion teeth

Can budgies eat papaya seeds?

It could be easy to conclude that they can feed on the papaya but when it comes to the seeds, we may be hesitant. Well, the good news is that it is fine for the pets to feed on them. It is important to note that they should be consumed when the fruits are properly ripe.

Papayas with yellow flesh

Can budgies eat parsley?

Yes, parsley is safe for budgies to take in. This vegetable is not toxic hence can be served with moderation. Due to its high oxalic acid, offer it once in a while. When it comes to parsley, moderation is important. You would not want to harm your pet in the name of feeding.

Plant seen from above, Crispum Group

Can budgies eat cucumber?

Yes, budgies can consume cucumber. It provides additional water because of its juicy and fleshy nature. Both the flesh and skin are safe. It provides the birds with vitamin B which is good for growth and energy, vitamin C and K for the immune system. Start by washing the cucumber then slice into desired sizes.

Remove the seeds as they can be harmful. Do not leave the cucumber in the cage for a long time as it can dry.

Slicing cucumbers

Can budgies eat guava seeds?

As much as it is safe for the birds to feed on guavas, it could be wise to scoop the seeds out as they could be harmful. When not sure, it could be best to avoid them altogether.

Ripe apple guavas (Psidium guajava)

Can budgies eat pineapple?

Yes, budgies can feed on pineapple. It is rich in vitamin B and C. Peel the outer skin, chop the pineapple into the correct size then offer your budgies. The amount consumed may differ from one to the other. You can offer small quantities to see how they will love it. If they enjoy it, gradually increase the amount you give them.

Pineapple, whole and in longitudinal section


Sometimes we might want to share with our pets the fruits we enjoy eating. This can pose a serious challenge since not all are good for them. Nonetheless, anything that you have already taken in your mouth is a no for them. Why? The human saliva can interfere with their digestive system. It is therefore important to have an idea of what to stay away from. Below is a list of fruits and fruit seeds that should not be given to them.


It is wise to avoid giving them to budgies. They contain a toxic chemical called tomatine which leads to health problems. Whether they are raw or cherry tomatoes, they are acidic. Opt for more nutritious and healthy fruits instead.

Grape tomatoes.


Many avocado parts are poisonous to the budgies. The skin and pit are the most toxic. Furthermore, it contains persin which is a fatty acid derivative hence too fatty. It may cause respiratory illness and heart failure. When your budgie suffers from persin poisoning, quickly visit the vet. Since fatty foods are not advisable for budgies because they can damage arteries, the same can be said of avocado because of its fatty nature.

with its cross section.

Still, the possibilities of having an obese pet are there. Why not avoid all these by not offering fruits like avocado? The mentioning of avocado brings guacamole to mind. Is it any better? No. In fact, since it has sea salt and lime juice added to it, it proves to be extremely dangerous to the budgies. It could be beneficial to avoid anything with avocado in it as an ingredient.

Apple seeds

While the fruit is safe, the seeds aren’t. They contain cyanide which can cause poisoning. In case you want to offer your budgie some apples, ensure to remove the seeds first. Whenever you are biting that apple, do not be tempted to offer it without removing the seeds first. No one wants a sick or disturbed pet so extra care must be observed.

An apple’s side, stem end, and interior

Acidic citrus fruits

Some of us love the sour nature of citrus fruits. You might then wonder if your budgie would feel the same. Well, lemon and lime contain citric acid that may result in stomach upsets. They may not be harmful but should be avoided. It does no harm substituting the same with a healthier fruit.

Wedges of pink grapefruit, lime, and lemon, and a half orange


They have stones that are difficult to crack because budgies’ beaks are not strong enough. They also contain cyanide which is poisonous. To avoid so much drama, do not serve them. If you must, remove the stones first.

Prunus avium, sweet cherry, also called wild cherry


The juicy, thick stems of rhubarbs should be safe. However, their leaves and top contain oxalic acid which could be dangerous to the birds. The oxalic acid can cause irritation to the intestines. Avoid serving the rhubarb leaves since they are harmful. You can give them a different treat, like pumpkin for instance.

Rheum rhabarbarum leaves and shafts

Seeds and pits of peaches

They contain cyanide which could be harmful to them. Many have reported deaths of budgies as a result of cyanide poisoning. The signs of this can be evident after one or two hours after the seeds or pits are eaten.

Peach in cross section with yellow flesh and a single large reddish brown pit

They can experience abnormal blood pressure, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pains, or general weakness. It could be sad watching your pet go through all these, right? Then please avoid giving them these seeds and pits. Always remove them.

Apricot pits

Apricot as a fruit is very healthy and safe for them. The pit however split easily to expose dangerous chemicals which when consumed by budgies can cause adverse effects. Ensure you do not give them the apricot seeds since they contain cyanide which is dangerous.

Apricot and its cross-section

Grapefruit seeds

Grapefruits have nutrients and are a source of vitamin C. However, due to their acidic nature, they should be taken moderately and in small amounts.

What about the seeds? They should not be fed to the birds since they are poisonous as they contain compounds that form cyanide.

A pink grapefruit, shown whole and also split in half.

It is important to keep in mind that salty food, sugary food, mushrooms, raw potato, honey, onions, garlic, fats, milk or dairy products, caffeine and chocolate are not recommended for budgies. Whenever you are having such food, keep your pet out of it. Remember, just because you can consume it doesn’t mean your budgie can.


As a budgie owner, it is not easy to know what to feed it and what to avoid. This article has helped us know the nutritious food to give them and those that are best avoided. In any case, it is better to be safe than sorry. As we have seen, some plants are beneficial as a whole while others have parts that are toxic hence the need to keep off.

Keeping in mind that it takes time for them to get used to certain food and that some are more susceptible than others will help you deal with them accordingly. Furthermore, if you suspect that the pet has taken anything toxic, call your veterinary doctor as soon as possible. A happy pet owner is one with a healthy pet. Give your budgie the best of what is available and nutritious.


Alen AxP is an experienced budgie owner who is passionate about sharing their knowledge and expertise on budgie care. Through their articles and resources, they provide valuable insights and practical tips on topics such as diet, housing, and health, to help other budgie owners create a happy and thriving environment for their feathered friends.

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